Center For Business And Market Research

  • The main purpose of the research is to inform action, prove a theory, and contribute to developing knowledge in a field or study. It is not only a tool for building the knowledge and facilitating learning, but also a means to understand various issues and increase public awareness so that business can succeed. It is a nourishment and exercise for the mind.
  • In this current highly competitive and global environment, any professional and progressive Institution that aims to survive, grow and sustain significantly must unleash itself from informal way of looking at data.
  • After having realized the importance of market and business research, The centre for business and market research was started in September 2019 with association of PPMR (Pannelplus Market Research Company), Chennai.
  • The centre will address and enhance business and marketing-based research in India.
  • With a combination of marketing academics and professionals working towards the creation of intellectual property, we are proud to be the one among very few dedicated centres for business and marketing research in India. The core functions of the centre are conducting conferences, seminars, workshops and publishing case studies, monographs & research reports in marketing as well as business areas.


Aims and objectives of the centre :

  • To undertake original academic research and investigate inquiry into marketing problems faced by Indian companies.
  • To provide solutions to the companies which face marketing problems
  • To conduct training and intensive adaptation in the marketing and research areas for management faculty and to develop a “think tank”  for management students

Activities of the centre

  • Knowledge creation
  • Knowledge dissemination
  • Experimentation
  • Game plan
  • Satisfaction survey
  • Mystery Audit
  • Demand forecasting
  • Taking management decisions
  • Extending associations
  • Setting up the financial plan
  • Satisfying targets


  • 1. Dr.S.Dinesh Kumar
  • 2. Dr.R.Jeyalakshmi
  • 3. Dr.V.Anitha

SIMS organized Webinar on STAFFING INDUSTRY LANDSCAPE AND THE SALES APPROACH Mr.M.NandaKumar – Vice President-Sales & Strategy nlbServices,Noida- Addressed the students.